left behind

Good-Bye and Left Behind

~ a year ago... ~

~ a year ago… ~

As we’re saying good-bye to 2012 I remember saying good-bye to my parents a year ago, as they were leaving Australia to come back home. It was the last time I saw her.

For some years now I practiced saying good-bye to them with the knowing that it might be the last time, given their age. This last time I practiced the same, being especially grateful for having spent more than 3 weeks with them since my Mum’s suicide attempt earlier in the year. I knew that this time was a gift and I cherished it.

With the state she was in, I did however not expect her to be dead within less than 3 weeks after this moment. A death on her own terms. She said good-bye in her own way. I assume her last visit and first meeting with her latest grand-daughter was unconsciously her good-bye to me, to us. (more…)

Unasked Questions

So many chances of meetings are realized since I have stopped listening to thoughts like: ‘you can’t ask that!’ or ‘don’t be so nosy!’.

~ you will never be forgotten ~

Just yesterday I had a wonderful experience that only occurred because I followed my intuition to ask the ‘unasked questions’.

I have previously met this woman who has lost one of her twins 21 years ago. I would have to say that I don’t know her that well, at least in terms of ‘time spent together’, but we share a common experience. Yesterday, while spending time together, we were talking about ‘other things’ when, totally out of context of our conversation, I became aware of the absence of our common element and I ‘saw’ her daughter next to her. I can’t say I know her daughter, let alone have ever seen a picture so when I say ‘I saw her’ what I mean is that I suddenly had this sense that she’s there and I was led to ask: ‘So when were your twins born?’ and ‘When was it that your boy died?’ (more…)